Right = Default (So You Can Use Claymores ETC) Left = Default (So You Can Use Wave Gun Attachments ETC) Left Stick Down 'Default Controls' (Red) Up = Default ( You Can Use Hacker ETC) Right = Drop Weapon Your Holding **Don't Use In Noclip** Left Stick Up 'General Mods' ( Turquoise ) Up = Gives You Ammoĭown = No Target ( Zombies Don't Act you **DOORS ARE FREE EXCEPT DEBRIS**) Select = Modded Perks, Unlimited ammo, Big clip, Different Zombie Score Text Color, Bullet Tracers, Unmovable M-Box, Floating Bodies, Far Revive, Lots Of Laststand Time,No Shells Box Dont Move, Low Corpse Count (less lag), Gives You Double Tap ( You Can Have To Edit 'iHaCk_NiCkE-BO1' And Put Yours/Others PSN There ) WonderWeapons only drop on certain maps eg. Start = Drops Weapons For Everyone! Toggles God Mode Patch.FF For Online (Prevents You From Getting Banned): ĬONTROLS TO MODDED BINDS ARE IN THE VIDEO BUT JUST INCASE YOU WANT TO HAVE A READ: Red-Eyex32's Save Editor LINK 2 ( Use this just incase the 1st one didn't work out): ĭvar's: (I Decided To Include The Full Link To Credit The Creator, iHaCk_NiCkE's)
I'll be showing you guys a way to do it on Advanced Warfare too just give me some time. Keep in mind there are a lot of scams out there. I know a lot of you know about this already its pretty old but this so mostly for the people still searching up a way to do it.